Sunday, October 25, 2009

Suatu Pertikaian: Defisit dan Retorik Bangkai


sblum itu,

1. Ekonomi Malaysia semakin meningkat dgn pentadbiran baru Najib
2. Malaysia mengalami pertumbuhan ekonomi Serantau
3. Ekonomi Malaysia Pulih dgn Sekelip Mata.
4. Ekonomi Malaysia dijamin terus mantap dgn pertambahan pelaburan
5. Ransangan Ekonomi Malaysia mengagumkan


Bila tang Belanjawan jer, terus defisit...

sbb itulah penjawat awam mendapat bonus 5-bulan.


kharrrkk ptuiiii !!

Tercetusnya tulisan ini, bukannya pasal bonus. Tetapi pasal ke mana perginya hak dan duit rakyat?

Bila tang bina mega projek, Malaysia tak pernah kalah dengan negara maju.
Bila tang benefit rakyat, kerajaan terus declare ekonomi Malaysia ni, baik sikit drpd Uganda.


  1. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Dalam hal ni, mungkin disebabkan terlalu banyak pakej rangsangan ekonomi yang telah dilaksanakan, termasuk projek2 gah seperti Iskandar, ECR dsbgnya... Maka duit2 yang dulunya dikatakan menjana ekonomi terpaksa dikeluarkan untuk dimasukkan ke poket2 kroni yang menjalankan projek2 sesama sendiri... Hasilnya belum nampak lagi setakat nie, mungkin dalam 3-5 tahun lagi baru nampak perkembangan projek yang diwarwarkan... Atau mungkin mati kekenyangan para kroni setelah makan duit tersebut sehingga lupa diorang sebenarnya diperhatikan...

  2. dear anynomous,

    mungkin juger.


    yg aku herannya, termasuk tahun ini dah 13-tahun berturut2 belanjawan negara diwartakan sebagai defisit.

    aneh bukan ?

  3. Dah lama dahhh! kharrrkk ptuiiii !! aku pun getik.

  4. salam elhakim,

    kalaulah Amerika sendiri buat tak heran pasal defisit negara mereka, jadi kau ingat Malaysia nak heran? hahahaha!!!

  5. hakim, tulis pasal isu Dr MAZA pulak.

  6. salam anak bumi,

    dr. Maza ini, terdapat sedikit kekeliruan oleh aku.

    Beliau seolah2 cuba menyampaikan el-wahabbiyah di sini, tetapi tiada pertauliahan.

    walaubagaimanapun kerajaan pusat cuba memutarbelitkan isu ini seolah2 tiada kebebasan berdakwah.

    menangguk di air keruh bangkali.


  7. run elrastom,

    sykt swasta separa gergasi sedang hebat menghulur bonus 2-6bulan utk kakitangan mereka

    kerajaan pula kehabisan wang


  8. ruyom1:47 AM

    "Racial polarisation in the country is not caused by the country vernacular school system but more by the government political, education and economic discriminative policies." - an educationist said today.

    The prime minister and all the Umno ministers will never admit that polarisation arises more out of the race-based policies and privileges one race gets over another.

    Similarly, there are other areas of our daily lives where terminologies used have made us view certain practices as privileges rather than sacrifices. For instance, the bumi discount for houses.

    The total sale value to the developer is still the same. It is just that the non-malay buyer is likely to be required to pay for some of the discount given to the malays.

    But the longer the NEP policies continue and the greater the vehemence with which Umno politicians issue threats, terminologies will change and more people will talk about these practices or policies in words that may not sound as pleasing to the ears of the beneficiaries.

    Obviously, at that point we shall probably see a new round of discriminations and disagreements. Unfortunately, as long as only weak people take on leadership roles within Umno, threats will continue, NEP policies will be sustained and corruption will prevail.

    That unfortunately is the legacy we have as Malaysians.

    The basic building blocks of unity, whether you are uniting different ethnic groups in a country or trying to re-engineer a corporation of differing cultural values, are the same.

    The principal parties have to be treated as equals - nor special privileges no favours that would favour one group over another. Any privilege that is given should be given to all on the same basis - for example, special privilege given to the financially poor regardless of race or ethnic origin.

    It is only on this equitable footing that you can foster true nationalism and build lasting unity, since each component group will have the same stake in the nation and has equal likelihood in reaping the rewards or suffering the consequences.

    My recommendation to the government, not simply as a businessman but also based on pragmatism, is not to waste any more taxpayer ringgit on nationalism programmes until it has established the pre-conditions for its success.

    What is sad is that, after almost five decades of independence, we have been unable in Malaysia, to bring globally-vision leaders to the forefront - leaders who can see beyond racial boundaries to recognise the immense sociological and economic potential that can benefit all Malaysians.

  9. julee1:53 AM

    Is the language diversity in our educational system a stumbling block to so-called "national unity"? Despite the insistence of this idea by the self-interested ruling elite, it is simply wrong.

    And the common use of English did not stop Americans from fighting Britons in the War of Independence. And let us not forget the American Civil War - both sides spoke English.

    And to the contrary, we see Europeans of different mother tongues coming together in a democratic manner to forge a united continent in the form of the multilingual European Union with common standards of human rights, governance and democracy.

    English-speaking people with different mother tongues are also now living peacefully in five different sovereign and independent countries namely the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand.

    It is time for the Malaysia ruling elite and their ideologues to stop spreading the voodoo of that language diversity hampers national unity.

    The root cause of national disunity is none other than the existence of race-based political parties like UMNO, MIC and MCA, which perpetuate race-based affirmative action policies and which only benefit the upper class BN gangs and their sons, daughters and cronies.

  10. The truth is that the ability of education to bring people together is limited. On top of that, education - at least secular one - is about the pursuit of knowledge and truth, and hence whatever is taught in schools should be based on the reality and truth in order to unite the students.

    But when our society is already polarised by the laws and other economic realities, and we tell our children otherwise in school, it is likely that the unity lessons will never stick for long or even worse result in a backlash.

    What is more distressing is the fact that national education policy is only meant for the masses while our political leaders send their children overseas. Can we believe they have faith in our own educational facilities and that they are sincere in wanting the best for us?

    In Malaysia, unfairness is institutionalised. For example, it is alright for certain schools or universities like the Universiti Institut Teknologi Mara to bar non-malays.

    So it piques me to hear some blaming vernacular schools for racial tensions. Vernacular schools have never barred malays from enrolling into them unlike Mara educational institutions. If vernacular schools are to be blamed, so too must the Mara institutions.

    (A minister responsible for higher education who can make such inflammatory statements confirms that the so-called meritocracy system of university entrance is a sham, since he was able to promise that the percentage for malay applicants will never fall below the previous quota percentage.

    Is he suggesting that we should rejoice over our poor education? Please do not confuse quality with quantity.)

    I cannot help but think that the politicians have an ulterior motive. If so, please be honest and brave enough to admit it.

    With such narrow-minded people in charge, it is difficult to have confidence in any of their suggestions.

    When it came to choosing a career, I avoided public services for the fear of being excluded from promotions just like how I was excluded from matriculation etc. Many employers are also very racially defined.

    Now, as much as I miss hanging out with people of other races, I end up being with people of my own race.

    Looking back, I don't think our primary vernacular system is the cause of disunity. On the contrary, it enriches our Malaysia heritage. The real problems are with the uneven playing fields that split malays and non-malays from secondary school onwards.

    Another examples are the Chinese Indonesians. Most of them don't even speak their mother tongue, nor do they even carry Chinese names anymore, yet come any major political turmoil, they are targeted by the majority. Is this due to vernacular education?

    The government should be aware of the fact that the number of Chinese schools has not increased over the past 30 years despite the need for them due to increased demand from both Chinese and non-Chinese students.

    The diversity of education methods in the country is a national treasure and should be upheld. Unity will come from mutual respect and fair treatment for all - not necessarily from a uniform education.

    Whether they will take concrete steps to address the imbalance is another matter for, while I am optimistic about the people of Malaysia, I have very little faith in politicians.

  11. fargowin1:52 PM

    According to the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) quoted in the story, there are 785000 Malaysians who work overseas, and an estimated two out of every three among them are likely to be professionals.

    Now we can quantify brain drain.

    1000 experienced engineers equates to RM10 billion investment. 2 out of 3 of 785000 professionals working overseas is ~ RM5400 billion.

    What was Najib budget for 2010? RM200 billion?

    So, it is equal to 25 times of national budget.

  12. romsam2:02 PM

    Corruption in high places is so institutionalised that it has become a virtue.

    If you can get away with murdering, it means you have the power and connection; if you can get away with cheating, it means you are smart; if you can get away with bullying, it means you are more equal than me; if you can get away for hijacking the established businesses of others, it is called the NEP.

  13. Anonymous11:37 PM

    tipu jer ni

  14. Aik, sini pun hilang bergitu sajer hehehe..

  15. hik hik, compare ngan uganda, susah2 jer... ;p

  16. ayoyo tambi, ini worang sudah lompat partika? cit! cit! sudah kaya juga dia!
