Monday, December 10, 2007

Pertikaian Elhakim: Suatu Renungan Abadi Bhg (1)

Sambil menghembuskan asap rokok, fikiran aku melayang jauh. Melayang menerpa ke arah suatu keadaan lama-lama. Keadaan yg klasik. Klasik yg membawa erti Melayu tipikal.

Ada suatu perkara yang segera dilakukan apabila seseorang itu dilantik sebagai wakil rakyat atau jawatan tinggi. Apakah perkara itu?

perkara itu adalah:

Untuk memperoleh "jaminan" kekayaan seumur hidup

Dan ini sebenarnya adalah satu perkara normal. Bagi kalangan sesiapa yg telah dilantik, perlantikan ini dianggap sebagai satu 'token' atau suatu peluang mereka untuk menikmati segala-galanya.

Mengapakah khususnya bangsa Melayu yang dilantik, maka terlalu cepat mereka melakukan penyelewengan?

Terlalu banyak faktornya. Soalan ini sebenarnya soalan abstrak. soalan cepu emas. dan soalan ini agak subjektif.

Aku lebih suka menghuraikan sesuatu itu dari sudut psikologi. atau mengikut perasaan, perkiraan dan pemikiran aku sendiri daripada menjawab berlandaskan akademik. Dalam akademik semuanya payah. Setiap sesuatu itu mesti berlandaskan sumber dan fakta yang memerlukan referensi di sana sini. source? aku jemu.

Orang tidak akan mempercayai apa yang aku fikirkan ini. Lantaklah.

Bangsa Melayu dijadikan oleh Allah SWT dengan terlalu banyak cacat celanya. Rupa parasnya yang kurang. Daya-logik-akal yg kurang, Mental abilitinya juga kurang. Daya-ingatan yg kurang, Gerak hati dan kesungguhnannya juga kurang. Fokus-daya penumpuannya pun kurang. dan ini mengakibatkan keprihatinannya, kepekaan terhadap segala sesuatu juga kurang. Apa-pun semuanya kurang dan hanya di takuk mediocore (itupun kalau bernasib baik)

Oleh kerna disebabkan kekurangan2 itulah maka bangsa Melayu terpaksa melampiaskan kehidupan mereka dengan hiburan yang melampau-lampau. Kerna ketidak-mampuan dan kegagalan akal dan minda mereka untuk berfikir tentang perkara yang payah dan susah-susah. Terutama dalam bidang Akademik, saintifik, dan Teknologi.

Buat apa? membebankan minda sahaja kata mereka. Banyak-banyakkan rehat (relax) dan bertenang. Baik baca Mangga daripada Scientific-American. (aku la tu..)

Allah SWT mempunyai sebab-dan musabab tertentu mengapa dijadikan bangsa Melayu sedemikian rupa. Kerna itu menunjukkan sifat ketuhanannya. Dia mempunyai daya memilih, kehendak-mutlak, kudrat dan iradatNya. Mengapa dipilihnya rasul-Isa dari kalangan Bani-Israel sebagai utusanNya ? Mengapa dipilih Rasul Muhammad sebagai kekasihNya? Mengapa Tidak dipilih Rajoo atau Ah-Kiow sahaja?? Tiada siapa yang mempunyai jawapan.

Manusia seperti kita pun mempunyai daya ketentuan untuk memilih secara tersendiri.
mengapa aku suka warna biru dan tidak warna putih?
Mengapa si-Rastom lebih berminat thdp wanita yg berkulit cerah daripada yg hitam-legam?
Mengapa si-Azeel amat gemar membincangkan ttg hal percintaan drpd membincangkan hal yg lain ?
Mengapa sesetengah daripada kita terfikir untuk melancong ke Eropah daripada melancong ke negara-negara Asia ?
Mengapa dan mengapa?

Tidakkah manusia itu juga suka memilih? Tidakkah manusia itu juga memiliki sa-dikit sifat tuhan? Kerna apa? Bukankah manusia ini datang dari tuhannya ?



  1. Salam El-Hakim.

    kalau ada kelapangan masa, jom masuk blog saya. mungkin kita boleh bertukar fikiran dan pendapat secara rasional tanpa mengharapkan kesan glamour dan populariti daripada Astro.

    Optimis mungkin.

  2. Assalamualaikum Tuen El Hakim,

    sekadar pembetulan..

    Manusia selamanya tidak akan mempunyai sifat2 tuhan walaupun sedikit. Kerana manusia adalah makhluk. Ya...benar manusia datang daripada ALLAH swt, tapi itu bukan bermakna manusia semestinya mempunyai sifat Tuhan.

    Secara peribadi saya rasa permasalahan konsep ini adalah kecelaruan mereka yang tersalah tafsir konsep Wahdatul Wujud yang telah dikemukan oleh Halaj dan Ibnu Arabi.

    Syiriklah jadinya jika ada sesiapa yang cuba menyamakan diantara Sang Pencipta dengan Maklhuk. Saya juga sedikit masa dulu cukup keliru juga dengan konsep pecahan ini. Namun Alhamdulillah, jika kita cuba meneroka Tasawwuf..harus juga diikat dengan Akidah Syariat yang ketat.

    Saya rasa 2 kitab yang cukup membantu tentang meneroka konsep in dengan lebih jelas...

    1)MENCAPAI MA'ARIFAT karangan Ibnu Abdullah Al Naqsyabandiyah

    2)MENGENALI DIRI & WALI ALLAH karangang Ustaz Mustapha Muhammad Al Jiasi al Ahmadi

    Buku yang kedua pernah saya ulas serba sedikit didalam blog berdikari saya (tuan el hakim beloh periksa di Archieves)...

    Semoga Allah swt menerangi akal dan Qalbu kita yang setiap hari semakin kabur oleh narkotin ciggrato! Sekali sekali saya turut melayan Sampoerna kotak merah...yang pasti tidak melebihi 2batang sehari...

  3. wsalam...eltuan moderator yg dirahmati Allah,


    tidak sesekali hendak saya samakan antara sifat manusia dan tuhan.

    tuhan adalah sang-pencipta.
    kita cuma hambaNya.


    cuma saya relatekan sahaja antara sa-dikit persamaan itu. (walaupun boleh dikatakan ia berbeda secara hakikat dan mutlak)

    (jika tidak direlatekan, ramai tidak faham)

    yang pokoknya adalah... tuhan mempunyai suatu kehendak 'VETO'.
    iaitu kudrah dan iradahNya


    contohnya Tuhan menjadikan seseorang manusia itu cacat sejak dilahirkan (tanpa sebab) padahal ibu bapa dan kaum keluarga mereka tergolong dalam golongan orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh.

    Selain drpd ia tertakhluk dalam siri2 ujian Allah. Siapa yang berani mempersoalkan kehendak Allah SWT mengenai penetapan kecacatan itu ?

    Permasalahannya terdapat segelintir manusia yang mempertikaikan dan mempersoalkan ttg hak dan kehendak juga pemilihan Allah tersebut.

    Maka blog ini saya jadikan contoh untuk renungan kita bersama.

    terutama fikirkanlah tentang kehendak-dan pilihan2 kita jua.. (walaupun terbatas dan mempunyai penghadan)

    manusia hanya merancang untuk memilih. Allah sahaja yang menjadi Penetapnya...(inilah perbezaannya)



  4. Anonymous12:19 AM

    How different is the Bersih rally from Hindraf protest? You tell me. In the former, it was mostly malays, the latter predominantly Indians.

    Imagine the paradox, one society who has all the privileges and the other without any. This is not an issue of race or religion, but relates to the rights of Malaysians. Opinions and views can differ but the cause is the same; of entitlements and rights as a Malaysian.

    Many things swing by our lives but two major rallies within a short span, what does it personify?

    These rallies show that Malaysians care and the public will generally support it as we cannot continue to be oppressed by the few and their orchestrated manipulation. Stop reading the mainstream press. The younger generation is much wiser in their perception, fortunately or unfortunately, towards the frustration that prevails in the system.

    In the macro sense, most Malaysians are tolerant, law abiding and seek a peaceful society for all.

    What we seek is a better place for us to live harmoniously without any division manipulated for the benefit of the few.

    Hey, it is not a perfect world but there is always somebody fighting for animal rights, democratic, economic, environmental, political, religious or socialist issues. You can't solve the world problems but you can make your society a better place if you could listen rather than turning to defiance for the benefit of the few.

  5. Anonymous12:24 AM

    When this Bodowi speaks, it makes you sick in the stomach.

    Whether he steps down or not, makes no different to the country because the whole Umno and BN machinery are all crooks.

    Vote them out and send them to space, that is the only answer.

  6. Anonymous12:27 AM

    It is shocking how the plethora of reports in Malaysia mainstream newspapers are so far from the truth that Malaysians these days only read it to have a good laugh over how creative the editors and group editors of these newspapers are.

    As of late, the newspaper reports are not funny. Their lies and propagandas are becoming downright dangerous.

    In this new millennium, it is sickening to find journalists abetting and aiding the spread of these lies.

    Sadly, you will never hear the truth spoken by true Malaysians in the newspapers.

    In addition to wearing yellow on Saturdays, I call on all Malaysians to boycott the mainstream media by not buying New Straits Times, the Star, Utusan or any local newspaper to send a message that we will not be buying into their lies!

  7. Anonymous12:30 AM

    To me, Malaysia is run by institutionalised bullies, corrupters, gangsters, goons, infidels, liars, monkeys, scumbags, thieves and all that are mentioned in the Book Of Hell!

  8. Anonymous12:34 AM

    This vicious, coward and corrupted Malaysia government is so afraid of ordinary people, especially the working class, expressing their discontent through peaceful protests - a democratic right.

    The main ruling party, Umno elites, capitalist leaders who falsely profess themselves to be devoted Muslims have indeed hijacked the religion.

    Almost my whole life, I defended such ideological racial-religious supremacies out of a false sense of patriotism and loyalty. This is why we need to learn, educate ourselves and think critically throughout our lives in order to be a true human being.

    Furthermore, to fight against the real enemy - the greedy and corrupted criminals from the ruling elites and capitalist classes, be it from Umno, MIC, MCA and so on - although the Umno leaders are the most and main deceitful culprits.

    Opposition parties globally also need to be heading towards this, especially against the extremely vicious and corrupted Third World ruling elites, governments and capitalist classes.

  9. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Well even telling lies is a privilege. Only privileged people can lie. So you see in Umno everything is a privilege for them.

  10. Anonymous12:39 AM

    This can only happen in Bolehland. Thank heaven, I don't live in Malaysia anymore. But I pity my comrades there. Someone should assassinate Bodowi to teach Malaysian politicians a lesson. Looks like the only way out……….

    Ex-Malaysian in US.

  11. Anonymous12:45 AM

    The erosion of Umno leadership credibility has become more apparent after the two historic rallies by Bersih and Hindraf. The impact of these two mammoth peaceful rallies by the Malaysian public, despite draconian and barbaric threats by the Umno-regulated police force, clearly indicates the progressive degeneration of Umno and its effeminate coalition member parties.

    Shocked and dumbfounded, the arrogant Umno leaders whose minds are obscured by political egocentrism, did not know what struck them. It is just the beginning. Justice and fairness cannot be contained by mortal power forever.

    These are the definite signs of Umno impending fall and decline. Umno is not challenged by Malaysians alone. The entire fair-minded and civilised world has joined in to expose its political crimes committed in the guise of democracy. The power of truth is fast devastating Umno and its coalition partners.

    We thank God for letting this happen. Umno's heydays are numbered. It is getting weaker and becoming more of a parasite than a respected political party with genuine dignity. At last, the road map for the corrupt Umno's final collapse has been charted. The people, propelled by the power of truth, has finally decided to rid the nation of a party that has forsaken its duty to safeguard the interests of the people.

    May God bless the people of Malaysia for their great spirit in upholding truth, justice and fairness. Let us Malaysians, irrespective of race or creed, bring greatness to our beloved nation.

  12. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Any way you look at it, the rally by Bersih to send a memorandum to the King for a clean and fair election was a stunning success.

    Although the local press has down played the significance of the demonstrations, the sea of yellow among the brave protestors drenched in rain facing the police force, is the beginning of the common peoples awakening, partaking their democratic rights in wanting a better deal from the present regime.

    Although the police force and the prime minister had warned the public not to participate in the so-called illegal rally, it has fallen on deaf ears for those who are fed up with government abuses and excesses of power.

    To think that nearly 40000 people took part in the demonstrations speaks volumes about the ordinary peoples brave attempt to make their voices heard about the ills of the present regime to our constitution monarch.

    While the police force had used water cannon and tear gas to disperse the crowds and even though scores of people were arrested, no loss of lives was reported, thank God for that.

    I suppose in the globalised world that we live in, autocrat leaders dare not excessively beat up those who oppose them, as it will be highlighted in the foreign media. While the local demonstrations is mild compared to Burma and Pakistan, still one wonders why the police had to use force to disperse the crowd.

    As usual, we can expect the leaders in this country to denounce the demonstrations and call these brave souls "traitors" to the nation for taking their grievances to the streets. But if all avenues for a proper dialogue between civil group and the government are closed and the government is arrogant and does not want to listen to the people's voice of despair, expect more streets demonstration.

    Let us hope that the King can reform the election rules in this country which favour the ruling parties. May our next general elections be untainted by money politics, one-sided medias, phantom voters and government machineries working in favour of the incumbent.

    Watchdogs from other nations should be invited to observe the next general elections to ensure that the present regime cannot steal the elections as in 2004 where a lot of opposition leaders lost their seats due to phantom voters.

    After all, Umno just had their last assembly where the delegates are confident that the voters will support them in the next polls. Fight like a man. Do not hide behind the government's skirt where all the dirty tricks are used to deny the opposition opportunities to win seats.

    The present regime is in denial about all the ills that affect this nation. They, especially the dinosaur politicians who have been in power for more than two decades, still think that our people are uneducated and can be hoodwinked in any general elections.

    Well, let them dream! May the Bersih rally mark an important milestone for the peoples desires to have a better Malaysia for our children and grandchildren to inherit.

    God bless you all for your bravery in facing the police forces awesome power to intimidate people from exercising their political rights.

  13. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Nobody can help us now.
    This government is run by the Umno malays.
    They can twist and turn as they like.
    They don't give a damn about the other races.
    So we all go for help internationally!

  14. Anonymous1:04 AM

    It has a valid point to make and I support it in principle. That principle certainly applies to all non-malays in Malaysia and it is about equal treatment.

    I am apt to say that the original New Economic Policy or concerns of the malays, as enshrined in the constitution, has been twisted, perverted and abused by scallywags within the Umno wagon.

    No wonder that prospective foreign investor stated, "Invest anywhere in Southeast Asia but not Malaysia!" When I wanted to start a business, the first thing they ask is about a malay partner.

    Obviously, the sick value systems perpetrated by Mahathir is so widespread that daylight robbery and corruption is perfectly okay and are normal, everyday values.

    End the NEP. Let us get back to being a normal country where every Malaysian is equal.

  15. Rasa rasa blog elhakim sudah diterobosi para alien hindraf kot? Hehhehe...
